Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Technology's on the Move!

Are you SMART?

Just kidding... Or is he?

Mobile Technology and Smart Devices

Mobile technology refers to technology that is "on the go"...but just how far it will still go is anybodies guess! In this era we are now introduced to devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, GPS, and smart watches, even personal digital assistants (PDA)! Does anyone else get the feeling that the simpler technology becomes, the harder it becomes to keep track of the new trends and gadgets they keep throwing out there? Or am I just getting old? 

Before, we looked at how the internet came to kick-butt and take names. Now we're looking at how new SMART, technology has, and continues to take the world by storm! Computers are fast becoming a thing of the past, as we begin to make way for the new generation that is pioneering! We have come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell's first invention of the telephone. Phones are no longer simple devices that allow for two-way communication. These days, a "simple" phone can enable one to do anything from browse the internet, navigate via GPS, game, make calls, access banking for details and payments, check emails, and so much more! Technology caters very well indeed to the convenience of people, and people are slowly becoming more and more dependent on these devices which stores everything short of life itself...although you can monitor your heart rate!

People rely more and more on these devices for everything and are "trained" to think less and less, while our phones begin to do more and more! Which leaves one to wonder...
...Who is really controlling who?

Times have indeed changed and it is in no way surprising that the students have now become the teachers as most toddlers are able to "operate" a smart phone even before they are able to speak!
Mobile technology continues to be further developed and improved so that life can be made easier for all who engage with it. I myself make use of my phone for almost anything and everything I need to do, to get it done quickly and most conveniently! With my phone, I am able to not only keep up-to-date with the latest trends with friends, on social Media, I am also able to know what is happening around the world, quickly access my bank account, correspond with lecturers, email various parties, do my readings, do online shopping, and this is just the tip of the iceberg!  Learn More...

Quick Response (QR)

Another thing you've probably seen popping up everywhere is this nifty  little images called a QR code. Offered in a variety of settings anywhere from your local church (SnapScan) to your local and academic libraries. These images that are actually embedded code enables one to perform a variety of tasks such including but not limited to making payments and browse the libraries catalog, login to websites, and more! Scan the above image using a QR scanner (which you can download for free in your app store) to learn more about using QR codes in the classroom.

So how SMART are you?

Here's a quick game to see if you can correctly match the images of the traditional words on the left to the new technology terms on the right.

Let the games begin!

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

The Changing of Tides With LibGuides

i Is for Information

If you're an 80's (and younger) or even an early 90's baby, whenever you heard the term "information" the following image would most likely have popped into your head...

Yes, librarians are typically imagined as being stern looking ladies with their hair in a bun, staring at you through glasses perched on the tip of their noses, sometimes with a finger to their lips whispering "Sshhh!" if you've been speaking too loudly. Needless to say, they were not always the most popular people, although they were extremely useful! 

...Thankfully, that is mainly a thing of the past...Right?
Right!... But we still need information... So what now?

i Is also for Internet 

As we've been discovering, the internet has been one of the fastest growing platforms and with the constant updates and improvements, it is not going to be going anywhere anytime soon! It has become most people's one-stop shop that caters for all of our needs at our convenience!

So what does the internet have to do with libraries, you may ask? Well, librarians, have realized that as much as they would love to hold on to tradition, change is definitely upon us, and you can either go with the flow, or die with what you know (...well, not literally of course!). So librarians have found a way to still do what they love, which is education through information... Pretty smart! Information will always be a need, and it helps to know where to find reliable sources of information that will be quickly and easily accessible. Let's face it, not very many people are able to spend an entire day at a library, sifting through numerous books and searching for information and having to check the credibility and reliability of the sources they find.. I mean, it is exhausting just to think about it!

Meeting the users where they are at...Literally!

Instead of trying to force a square into an obvious circle, librarians have opted to educate and assist in a different way. How? By using what they refer to as LibGuides or Subject Guides. What is that, you may be wondering? They are, as the name indicates- Library Guides. These cleverly creative platforms are used by librarians, both old and young, to promote library resources, such as books, journals, articles, both hard-copies and e-resources, as well as databases, latest news and trends and more, that are relevant to the subject of the guide.  The aim of librarians are to integrate multimedia content and library services, by embedding audio-visual material and other academically sound information sources to give users a more holistic experience when engaging with information. Arranged by category, these guides are easy to search and navigate and you have everything you need in one place. So no need to stress about where to start and what to use!

These days everything is made so simple, you can go anywhere and get anything with the simple click of a button. Using LibGuides have become a new way of navigating the world wide web and having quicker access to sound, relevant and reliable information. 

...No more nightmares!

LibGuides are available for all major disciplines and covers a wide range of topics for your reference and personal purposes!

Where to find them:

How to create your very own (UWC-Registered Students Only):

Other Useful Links:

A little something extra for the visually stimulated individual

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

From Foolscap Sheets to Facebook and Tweets!

A New Era

It is no longer a secret that cyber space is the new "in place". With a constantly growing population, the internet is just one of the latest sensations taking the world by storm. With constant improvements, the internet keeps getting bigger, faster and stronger! With so much to offer, it isn't hard to see why so many are captivated by her charm!

So what does this mean for libraries?

Let the Battle Begin!

Out with the old and in with the new!

As is the case with everything else, a time for change has arisen. No matter how hard we try and deny the fact, digital is taking over..and it's no surprise! Like surfers chasing that next great wave that is bigger and better, users are swept up in the ever-changing currents that continue to sweep the internet. 

Library 2.0

This term has been used to describe the new model of library services that promote the desired change for users to play a more pro-active role by participating in the creation of physical and virtual services that would appeal to them. Similar to a previous discussion on Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0. As a result of this new found approach, there is a constant monitoring and evaluation of services with the aim of providing more than just an information service, but rather a customer-oriented service that focuses on their needs and wants, to generate more growth (Casey and Savastinuk, 2007).

What largely contributes to the popularity of this platform is the use of Web 2.0 tools, that are easy to use and are already mostly familiar to users, such as Facebook, Twitter, Wikis, Pinterest, and social book marking such as Diigo, to name but a few. RSS feeds are also quite useful when wanting to keep up-to-date with the latest news, trends, and developments of a particular topic. 

Key Library 2.0 Concepts

The library is everywhere and has no barriers, thus inviting active user participation, with a flexible system designed speciffically with the user in mind (Mohamed, 2017). Having so much freedom of access, it's like having the whole world at your fingertips!

Casey, M.E. and Savastinuk, L.C. (2007). Library 2.0: a guide to participatory library service. Medford, N.J., Information Today.

Mohamed, S. (2017).Library 2.0. LBS 708:lecture notes. UWC.

The bigger the internet, the smaller the world...

Out With the old...Lib 2.0

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Exploring the WORLD wide web

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0

Considering the boundlessness of the internet as we know it today, it's hard to believe that the internet was once upon a time the very thing that limited us in so many ways. Lets journey back in time and see where and how it all started out.

Where it All Began...

Web 1.0 refers to the very first version of the internet, which consisted of static information that was uploaded and made available to users in a read only format. So what did this mean for internet users? The relationship we had with the internet took a very one dimensional approach where all we could do was sit back and swallow whatever the web masters put forward. As consumers we had no say and no way of challenging or influencing what we found out there. Much like the store sign reading : Sorry we're closed - permanently! 

Where We Are Now...

Thankfully someone read the sign and decided to make a change! This change gave way to the next generation of internet usage. With Web 2.0, a new two dimensional portal has opened up, where users can now be more than passive receivers of information and avail an opportunity for participation and collaboration. As the saying goes, sharing is caring!

I think it's safe to say that the internet at large has gone through the motions evolution and this is only the beginning! So what's next? Where to from here? You'll just have to wait and see...

A Glimpse of where we're heading...

When it comes to the cyber world, the only thing that is constant is change!