Are you SMART?
Just kidding... Or is he?
Mobile Technology and Smart Devices
Mobile technology refers to technology that is "on the go"...but just how far it will still go is anybodies guess! In this era we are now introduced to devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, GPS, and smart watches, even personal digital assistants (PDA)! Does anyone else get the feeling that the simpler technology becomes, the harder it becomes to keep track of the new trends and gadgets they keep throwing out there? Or am I just getting old?
Before, we looked at how the internet came to kick-butt and take names. Now we're looking at how new SMART, technology has, and continues to take the world by storm! Computers are fast becoming a thing of the past, as we begin to make way for the new generation that is pioneering! We have come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell's first invention of the telephone. Phones are no longer simple devices that allow for two-way communication. These days, a "simple" phone can enable one to do anything from browse the internet, navigate via GPS, game, make calls, access banking for details and payments, check emails, and so much more! Technology caters very well indeed to the convenience of people, and people are slowly becoming more and more dependent on these devices which stores everything short of life itself...although you can monitor your heart rate!
People rely more and more on these devices for everything and are "trained" to think less and less, while our phones begin to do more and more! Which leaves one to wonder...
...Who is really controlling who?
Times have indeed changed and it is in no way surprising that the students have now become the teachers as most toddlers are able to "operate" a smart phone even before they are able to speak!
Mobile technology continues to be further developed and improved so that life can be made easier for all who engage with it. I myself make use of my phone for almost anything and everything I need to do, to get it done quickly and most conveniently! With my phone, I am able to not only keep up-to-date with the latest trends with friends, on social Media, I am also able to know what is happening around the world, quickly access my bank account, correspond with lecturers, email various parties, do my readings, do online shopping, and this is just the tip of the iceberg! Learn More...
Quick Response (QR)
Another thing you've probably seen popping up everywhere is this nifty little images called a QR code. Offered in a variety of settings anywhere from your local church (SnapScan) to your local and academic libraries. These images that are actually embedded code enables one to perform a variety of tasks such including but not limited to making payments and browse the libraries catalog, login to websites, and more! Scan the above image using a QR scanner (which you can download for free in your app store) to learn more about using QR codes in the classroom.
So how SMART are you?
Here's a quick game to see if you can correctly match the images of the traditional words on the left to the new technology terms on the right.
Let the games begin!